Monday 16 June 2014

My Weekend in Pictures

Hello! I hope that everyone had a great weekend and gave their dads lots of love. Here are a couple of photos from my weekend. Sadly, I don't have a camera at the moment so I'm using my old school IPhone 3 and my IPad to take pictures for now, so they're not the best quality. It's taking a lot of time for me to get back into the swing of being a proper grown up in England and sorting out a new phone contract!
An afternoon in the park
The weekend started off with a bit of a bang as a house on my road caught fire thanks to some faulty solar panels on the roof. The firemen were hard at work trying to put the fire out and I wasn't allowed to get to my house, so I spent the sunny afternoon in the park. Luckily I'd just been shopping so had some cherries and wine to keep me company! Everyone in the house got out safely but there house is not in a good condition.
Bamboo Door Tiki Bar
Friday I saw the Coppards and Sheena and we went for a few drinks in Sheffield town centre. We tried the new Bamboo Door Bar in Leopold Square. This is a cute tiki themed cocktail bar and I had the most amazing cocktail called Eats, Shoots and Leaves which was a piƱa colada-esque cocktail with a toasted marshmallow on top. Yum.
Treats from Asia from Tasha
Saturday was lost to sensible things like getting my eyes tested and looking at phones. There are so many fancy ones nowadays it all felt a bit bewildering. When I got home I tried to find a new home for the lovely gifts Tasha bought me from her trips around Asia. I finished the day trying to watch the England vs. Italy World Cup game but had to go to bed after half time because of my eyes involuntarily drooping!
My father's day present!
Sunday I celebrated Father's Day by mowing the lawn. It was a lot harder than it looked and not what I was expecting my dad to want so I wasn't really dressed appropriately. Under the lovely green fleece is my new charity shop find.

Hope you all had a great weekend!

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