Tuesday, 18 September 2012

6 months in Korea

Saturday marked 6 months to the day that we arrived in Korea not really knowing what was waiting for us. It made me think of the last brunch that I had back in the UK with my dad, just a few short hours before I was due to catch the plane, and me being so nervous I thought I might throw it all back up. Then there was the first day of school, we'd arrived late on Thursday night, not slept well and had to be in school on Friday morning. I felt devastated when our co teacher had brought us a shrimp burger for breakfast, not what you want when you're starving and the last meal you had was plane food. 

We were stared and gaped at by kids lots that day, they asked us loads of weird and wonderful questions and soon enough it was lunch time. That was the first time I really thought I'd made a mistake, I couldn't eat with chopsticks, this was the first hurdle, followed by the weird orange food I eventually managed to put in my mouth, expecting it to be warm pasta, instead it was freezing cold kimchi. I still haven't properly warmed to the stuff following that awful initial shock.

However, lots has changed in six short months, we've seen lots of new sights, made lots of friends, I've learned how to eat with chopsticks and how to speak a teeny bit of Korean. There's been times when it's been hard and the one thing you want to do is be at home, but then there are times that it's been great and you can't imagine why you'd ever want to go home.

I know Tasha is heading home once the year is up, and is looking forward to exploring more dark corners of the UK that we never really took notice of before, but I'm not sure what I want to do right now, and the possibilities seem quite daunting but exciting at the moment!

Yet I can't think of any better way to have spent our 6th month anniversary than to be dressed as bunnies, madly running around the streets of our current hometown, making fools of ourselves.

It was also this weekend that my bag arrived from home that has all my Winter clothes in it, ready for the cold that i'm assured is headed our way in the next few months. It was weird to think that I packed the bag up before I left Sheffield, but as soon as I opened it I could smell the laundry powder that we  use back home and it made me have a pang to be back there, and not have to wait days for my washing to dry, by which time it smells rather odd and feels crusty, lovely!

Although I do miss home though, I'm excited for what the next 6 months has in store for us, and where my adventure will take me after that!

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