Thursday, 6 December 2012

Beijing Blues

Clare and I Sailors
Embarrassing picture of Clare and I ready for a fancy
dress night when we were about 19.
It looks like our trip to Beijing that we had planned for NYE is going to have to be put on hold. Sadly there was some visa issues that I totally didn't think about until we had booked the flights. We went to the office on Tuesday night, and the lady pointed out the problem, but we were told there was a work around. It was only on Wednesday morning, 5 minutes before I was due to go and speak in front of a whole class that they called to say that it wasn't going to be possible and would have to cancel my application. Cue lots of tears and garbled explanations to a class full of concerned kids about choking and coughing.

I'd just about managed to stop quietly sobbing when I realised there was lots of other things to look forward to in December; the school ski trip next week, our Christmas day and my birthday. That's when I realised I hadn't booked the room for my birthday yet, so I asked my Korean co-teacher to check, who then told me that the party room I had wanted to book was already booked up. By the time I got home it well and truly felt like the Grinch had been and stolen all of my Christmas spirit, despite being in such close vicinity of Natasha's room (I don't think I have mentioned her xmas room decor deserves an entry all on it's own).

Luckily, I'd received s big parcel from my dad with three new pairs of amazing shoes, and Wispas, so I dunked a Wispa in a cuppa and everything didn't seem so bad. What propelled me back into good spirits was an impromptu visit from Nick bearing chocolate cake and by the time the credits of Elf were rolling I was a bit excited about the new NYE plans that we're going to be able to make, and the fact I hopefully will have the chance to visit Clare in Beijing in the Summer.

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