Saturday 8 February 2014

Mendoza, boozy afternoons on bicycles

I've been writing this for a couple of days now whenever I get the chance, then we woke up this morning to the news that lots of people have been killed in a bus crash in Mendoza. What sad news.

Drinking wine and riding down leafy lanes on bicycles are two of my favourite things to do, so I was very excited about our trip to Mendoza. It's in the West of Argentina in the shadows of the Andes mountains and is filled with vineyards growing delicious wine.

We arrived after flying from Iguazu. Nick had booked us to stay at Laos hostel and it was perfect. The rooms had air con and in the garden there was a swimming pool and lots of hammocks. It was a brilliant place for us to relax for a few days in the 40 degree heat and catch up on our budget after Iguazu.
Mendoza wine tasting
Mendoza wine tasting
When we finally managed to pull ourselves away from the pool, we headed to the Lujan area to do a spot of wine tasting. The 6 of us trundelled off on rickety bikes to search out the local vineyards. We visited tiny family run ones to huge fancy ones run by the French consulate. My favourite winery was called Legrande. The guide was really knowledgable, the wine was tasty and the most luxiourious wine was named after the head of the winery, Enrique, whose wife would call him Henry when he was in trouble. Unfortunately I didn't get to try a bottle of Henry, but I'm sure it's tasty.

I was also amazed to find out that white and purple grapes actually have the same taste on the inside, and it's only the skin of the grape that changes the flavour. I didn't know that!
Mendoza wine tasting
Mendoza wine tasting
Mendoza wine tasting
Mendoza wine tasting
Mendoza wine tasting
Mendoza wine tasting
Mendoza wine tasting
Mendoza wine tasting
Mendoza wine tasting
Mendoza wine tasting
Mendoza wine tasting
Mendoza wine tasting
Mendoza wine tasting
Mendoza wine tasting
The rest of our week in Mendoza was spent lazing by the pool, having huge BBQs with people in our hostel and a day trip out to Cacheuta. This is a small town in the middle of the desert that has a park full of hot baths. It felt very indulgent to be sitting in a bath of hot water whilst glancing out at the dry mountains!
Mendoza wine tasting
Mendoza wine tasting
Mendoza wine tasting

Also, Tasha has started a new blog in the last few days, take a peek at what she's upto here!
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