Wednesday, 16 May 2012

Love Links

Wednesdays have always been the one day that I don't look forward to in the week, but today my 'bad' class went surprisingly well, the sun's been shining and I spent the evening with good friends sat outside a cafe.

The hot weather does make me miss home a bit. If only we had this weather back in Sheffield then drinks outside the Forum would be perfect, or a Starbucks in the botanical gardens, even better a dirty Dev chippy sat on Devonshire Green. I'm also seriously craving jacket potatoes, Bungalows and Bears fry ups, Primark and, of course, Cadbury's chocolate. But I always forget to be grateful for the one thing that is always right under my nose to make me feel more at home in my new home...

My trusted Macbook is faithfully there whenever I feel like a good dose of England, or just to find something new to do in Busan.

Here are a few links to things have really helped me past few months:

1. Leigh's (or Kim Oh No's) blog. Fellow derby player and lover of all things kitsch and kawaii. I loved her entry that let me have a good old nosy in  her new house. I know how hard she's worked on making it feel like home, and wish she could work some of her magic on my apartment here.

2. The blog of another derby girl, Kandy Diamond which runs alongside her knitting company, Knit and Destroy, which always gives me pretty things to look at.

3. The HellsyeahSSRG blog means I can keep upto date with what's happening with the roller derby team back in Sheffield. I love that this blog is a bit of a mystery. nobody knows who writes it, and why our number one fan won't reveal themselves!

4. PostSecret has been a Sunday morning ritual for me since I was at university, and it's nice to be able to continue that ritual here in Korea.

5,.1000 Awesome things blog never fails to put a smile on my face when it's been a tough day. It's also worrying how much I can relate to most of it. Especially the illegal napping now I'm here in Korea.

6. If ever I want to find something to do in Busan then this site and this site are my two first port of calls. I especially love the Busan Awesome site which is constantly making my list of things to do loooonger, and loved the Busan Haps magazine launch night that we went to in April.

7. Another site I look at on a daily basis now is Cute In Korea I love its different spin to most of the other blogs of Westerners in Korea. I'll be using it as a major planning tool as we go to Seoul in a few weekends. Exciting.

8. I'm not yet fluent in Korean, far from it, but Talk to me in Korean and the Korean Wiki Project  (as previously mentioned here) have been great teaching me the basics.

9. A night in feels incomplete without at least one episode of Gossip Girl, New Girl or the Walking Dead. I was a little bit gutted the other day when I went to watch Amelie that I had only brought the extras DVD. Sad times.

10. Skype, facebook, twitter and hotmail all keep me in touch with old and new friends alike.

11. Radio 1 is what I wake upto in the morning, I love that I get to listen to Nick Grimshaw's late night show while I get ready to head to work. I love Spotify's playlists, but have to keep them private as I don't want anyone to discover my guilty pleasure(I think that the majority of you already know that it's Kesha!). Finally Youtube has been a godsend for discovering the music that my students go on about and always ask me if I know. Here are just a few songs they've recommended to me, see what you think here... one, two, three.

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